Halloweenville tagged me to write 8 things about myself. This is nice because I don't often talk about me personally on this blog and by asking, I now get to.
Hmmmm, what should the world know about Katie? well...
1. I wear more orange than you do. Being an artist lets me do this
2. I'll buy a Costco sized Jelly Belly container just to eat one flavor.
3. Whenever I shop, my goal is to make the salesperson laugh more than to buy anything.
4. That '2 for $11' DVD bin at Walmart is my undoing every time. I know that there's nothing good within it's depths but I absolutely HAVE to dig through it. I think the best movie I've ever found in there was Mystery Men and I already owned it.
5. Can you yell Ultimate Frisbeeeee really really loudly? I can, and I DO 3 times a week.
6. My first love was MacGyver. The affair started when I was 3 yrs old and lasted for... well, I think I've finally gotten over it. I think.
7. My stomach has an aversion to all things dairy. My taste buds do not.
8. My favorite chores are Laundry and Dishes b/c there are machines to help me do the work. But I abhor dusting, and weeds are my arch nemesises. Luckily, my Apt. complex has gardeners and my roomate doesn't mind sneezing.
9. I love the idea of doing many things, but I rarely get around to doing them. In theory I am a fantastically accomplished Scrapbooker, Chef, Guitarist, Runner and Seamstress. But in reality I spend my free time reading, eating out, frequenting the Theatre, playing pool, Wii, Bang!, and Karoaking. Life is good.
10. Katie likes to refer to herself in the third person... much to her friends' chagrin
And now you all know me better than two thirds of the boys I've dated.
Oh, oops that was 10 things. Haha, Well
Dave James,
Shane Lewis, and
Todd Oman only have to list 8.