It's a new year and with it come dreams and goals. One of my many aspirations for this year is to draw more and post more often. Sound like a good idea? I think so too :) I'm looking to sketch something, anything that's not project/work related, every day and allow myself the time to work on personal projects. It is so easy to just work on the gigs that pay and then go out and play, don't you think? I've had a few book ideas that haven't gotten to the dummy stage yet, so that's a big goal this year. I'm going to redesign my website and add a store for originals, prints and (hopefully) some merchandise. Big plans!
In addition to professional goals I've got a couple others in the mix. As with 98% of the population, I'm going to eat better. I've cut out soda, (and that was tough, let me tell ya. Mexican food is just not the same without a coke) and have started eating more fruits and veggies and meals at regular intervals. I know this might sound a silly resolution, but you're talking to a girl who can forget to eat all day. It's not good for the ol' immune system.
I'm also going to go to an acupuncturist this year. The idea of becoming a human cactus scares me a little, so I'm going to try it! I'm going to take accordion lessons and learn how to screen print. I've decided it's time to go to Europe so I'm already planning an August trip. And lastly, I'd like to buy a house.
I'm gonna sweep the leg right out from under 2010. Watch out, 2010 is gonna be off the hook!
So, what are YOUR dreams and goals for 2010??