Originally uploaded by katiemcdee.
Blimey! It were good to paint yesterrrday, it'd been a long while. This 'ere matey was sittin' in me sketchbook just awaitin' to be done up all pretty.
Blimey! It were good to paint yesterrrday, it'd been a long while. This 'ere matey was sittin' in me sketchbook just awaitin' to be done up all pretty.
I couldn't help but think of a disgruntled ent-like tree creature when I saw this photo ...
I've been preparing for a trip to Virginia for a couple days and I haven't had time to draw anything new... (I'm hoping to find some delightful characters seated in the plane around me so that I might have hours of amusing drawing material to work from)... So I thought I'd post this oil painting I did a year and a half ago of my best friend and her grandma's hands. It's one of my favorites.
Have a great weekend everyone!
I saw a kid today at the bookstore with some missing teeth... It made me think back to when losing a tooth equaled more mula than I could accumulate in a month, and I always spent it all on the ice cream man... ah, those were the days. sigh.
Ah, there's nothing better than drawing during the commercials. This guy just popped out of my pencil tonight!
This is a mural I did last year (it's so weird that 2005 is now last year). It was floor to ceiling on every wall and commissioned by a wonderful couple who wanted to turn their granddaughters' play/bedroom into an enchanted forest. I had a great time transforming an entire room!
This drawing goes out to the little critter that likes to loiter outside my bedroom window and make annoying sounds at 1 in the morning which freak me out to the point that I actually grab a flashlight and go outside to see "Wha' in tarrrnation could be makin' such a racket?!" Alas, I have never caught the culprit. Someday ... someday.
A few months ago I took a Gouache class and this was my first attempt to tile with the paint. It was tricky, but I'm happy with the result. Now I need to try tiling with color.